- 16 Unanswered TV Questions from the Onion’s A.V. Club
- Daniel Radcliffe stars in PBS Masterpiece Theater production of My Boy Jack; sports awesomely ridiculous mustache.
- A no-frills guide to five just-published first novels from New York Magazine: I’m glad I saw this, I was thinking about picking up that Keith Gessen book…
- ABC News is planning a documentary about J.K.Rowling!
- According to Ron Moore’s blog, he’s recorded a podcast for the most recent episode of Battlestar Galactica, as well as episodes 4 and 5! If you’re a hardcore BSG fan and you’re not listening to these podcasts, I highly recommend doing so. Moore basically sits and watches the episode from start to finish and talks about anything that crosses his mind. It’s chock full of interesting facts and ideas. (One example? They had toyed with the idea of showing all 12 Cylon models on Cylon-occupied Caprica in the episode “Downloaded” in Season 2, but they thought it would be giving too much away!)
You can find the podcasts in the Apple iTunes Podcast Directory by searching for “Battlestar Galactica” and choosing the official SciFi Channel podcast.
- Here’s an interview with Michael Emerson, who [brilliantly] plays Ben on Lost.
“It sounds crazy, but even though I’ve read the script, I still sometimes don’t get what just happened,” says Emerson. “I may have a brain defect of some sort because I will just miss obvious things and have to have them explained to me by relatives and children.”
Lost is back in 3 days!!! Hold onto your butts!