This is a reminder that if you’d like to enter the Lost Photoshop Contest (Click here for details), the winner of which gets a free Lost t-shirt of their choosing from Cafepress, you must have entries emailed to me by this Thursday!
Come on and enter guys! You’ve got nothing to lose! Make me laugh :D
Just email your entries to, and make the subject line “JACOB LOVES YOU.”
This week on Lost, people we thought were dead are alive, people we thought were alive are kind of dead, Smokey gets homesick, the Losties check out the Temple of Doom, and we finally land at LAX.
Start planning your Lost Finale parties, guys. ABC announced that Lost’s 2-hour finale will air on Sunday, May 23rd at 9 p.m. (most likely because American Idol’s finale will be airing during the normal Tuesday timeslot, but I’d like to think it’s because they wanted it to air on a “number” date!)
This week on LOST, we found out that Juliet banging on that bomb actually worked, and somehow the island sank to the bottom of the ocean, and YAY the Losties were all sent back in time! All our old pals (and somehow Desmond) on Oceanic Flight 815 landed safe and sound at LAX! The biggest problems they had were Charlie choking on some drugs, the airline losing Christian’s corpse much to Jack’s chagrin, and Kate pulling a fast one on the Marshal and escaping in a cab with Claire.
But because this is LOST we’re talking about, Jack, Sawyer, & Friends are ALSO still stuck on the island, but now in 2007! Confused? You’re not alone! Ben and Richard were also left wondering “WTF?” when Jacob’s enemy, i.e. the fake Locke, went and killed all of Ilana’s cronies AS THE SMOKE MONSTER! Juliet came back to life and then died, Sayid died and then came back to life, and despite visiting Hurley, Jacob’s totally dead, and a bunch of Temple-dwelling other Others (including some of the Tailies) are super pissed about it!
After the jump: Questions, theories, and predictions!
Lost is like one gigantic puzzle; each week a few of our questions are answered, but new questions are always being raised. There was a time when we didn’t know how Locke ended up in a wheelchair, or what was in the hatch. There was also a time when time travel wasn’t a piece of the puzzle. But now, at the beginning of the end (sigh), what are the questions that need to be answered before the series finale? I’ve compiled a list of my most burning questions, and some not-so-burning questions that I’d love to find out answers to nonetheless.
I’ve held Photoshop contests in the past, and we’ve always ended up with hilarious results. The key here is not how good your Photoshopping skills are, it’s how funny you can make your entry. Don’t have Photoshop? Make us something ridiculous in MS Paint – just make us laugh!
1. Each contestant will be entering ONE Photoshopped picture. As long as it’s Lost-related, it’s game.
2. All entries must be received by Thursday, February 11th.
3. To enter, email your photo as an attachment to YOUR SUBJECT LINE MUST READ: JACOB LOVES YOU. If the subject line is not correct, your photo will not be entered.
The Winner and 10 runners-up will be posted here on Monday, February 15th.
Entries will be judged by myself, IHD, the artist of Benry Knows Best, and Maggie, the artist at linusinhats.
The winner will receive a free Cafepress Lost t-shirt of their choosing, courtesy of the good people at, who are also offering lots of giveaways all season at @lostees on Twitter. They’ve got a HUGE SELECTION of fan-made Lost merchandise!! You can even design something yourself and open your own shop.
So good luck! May the Force be with you! I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or drop me an email at the address above.
As most of you know by now, when it comes to Lost, I don’t mess around. Listed below are some of the features you can come to expect each week while Lost is on!
9 p.m. EST Episode airs. If you live on the East Coast, feel free to join us on MY LIVEJOURNAL for the wonderful and wacky live blog of the show! Create a Livejournal account (it’s free) and jump right in! It’s always tons of fun and full of CAPSLOCK(E).
10 p.m. If live blogging isn’t your thing (or you live in another time zone), check out the AFTERPARTY where we get hundreds of comments on what the hell just happened.
NEW! Wednesday: I’ll be posting a mini-recap of what happened on the episode the night before. This will be more of a straightforward recap, sans screencaps. I’ll also be listing some questions and theories that came out of the episode so we can all discuss in a geeky fashion throughout the week!
Sunday evening: Recap will be posted. Apologies that they’ve got such a slow turnaround time, but I’ve got a full time job to contend with. I’m hoping the mid-week recap and discussion posts will keep you guys going!
I’ll also be posting new Benry Knows Best comics throughout the season, thanks to our resident artist, IHD!
Don’t forget that you can follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook to stay up-to-date with new posts on the site!