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Richard Alpert talks about Ab Aeterno, Batmanuel, and more.

March 31st, 2010 § 5

Here’s an awesome interview with your favorite immortal and mine, Nestor Carbonell!!

I’m especially flattered that I can wear the hell out of a button-down.

Ay dios mio!

I love that the interviewer called Jacob a dick. We seem to share similar writing styles. ;D

Maybe he’s born with it…

July 27th, 2009 § 13

Thank you, Comic-Con, for giving us proof. :D

Spoiler Alert: Next season Richard will be starting his own line of CosMENtics!

Entertainment Weekly’s Lost at Comic-Con Coverage!

July 26th, 2009 § 9

Jorge Garcia, Michael Emerson, and Nestor Carbonell talk to Michael Ausiello about the Comic-Con panel and the last season of our beloved Lost.

And now I need to see Alpert in a Conquistador costume.

More Entertainment Weekly coverage:

Totally Lost: Live at Comic-Con
Some news about Boone
Jeff Jensen’s Comic-Con panel coverage
Some more tidbits from Damon and Carlton
Elizabeth Mitchell on the fat of Juliet

Guys, I have never wanted to be at Comic-Con more in my whole life.

I have many theories as to where this final season is headed, but I’ll be posting about that more once we get a little closer to the premiere!

Also: a big collection of panel videos all in one post! Was that Richard applying eyeliner that I saw!? Michael Emerson’s audition as Hurley SLAYS ME hahahaha! And the death reel is awesome haha.

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