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Bad News and Good News

January 15th, 2009 § 7

Bad News: I may not be able to post a “Lost So Far” recap before Wednesday.  Real life has been impeding on my Lost CAPSLOCK time. ;_; I’m going to try and get something together this weekend, but I can’t make any promises.

Good News: I WILL be posting a recap of every single episode of this season!  Hopefully by the Monday following the episode!  Both here and at!

Bad News: I know the site is running SUPER SLOW.

Good News: I have a friend who is working on it, so hopefully it will be faster soonish.

BEST NEWS: Lost in 6 days, yo!!!! And Battlestar Galactica TOMORROW!!!!

Also: Do you have a blog, Lost or otherwise, you’d like me to add to my blogroll? Leave me a link! :)

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