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Happy Lost Day!!!

March 23rd, 2010 § 19

The Richard episode is finally here!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!! a’ldfka;sldkf;sd I want to see some chains and pantaloons, STAT.

I’m hoping tonight we find out Smokey’s real name, among 5 million other things :D


§ 19 Responses to “Happy Lost Day!!!”

  • DB Ferguson says:

    Oh, bring on the guyliner for this one!

    I had a bit of a traumatic experience during last week’s ‘Lost’ – my TiVo crapped out and I lost 20 minutes of the show. (NOOOOOOOOO!) So we went out and got an HD antenna for our TV. We’ll go Old Skool to watch our NBC, we’re not afraid!

  • potterhead says:

    Smokey’s name shall be Jeffster.

  • w says:

    Gonna be EPIC

  • Gwen says:

    That picture is incredible.


  • Nikki says:

    My boyfriend has decided that Smokey’s name is Edward, since we already have Team Jacob on the Island. *sigh* heh

  • Lauren M says:


    I am SO freaking excited for this episode. Bring on the sexy Richard in chains! I’m seriously planning to lie so I can get out of practice at 8:30 so I can watch this episode. Love the picture by the way!

  • Nuala says:

    LOOOOOOOOVEEEEEE that pic! My three fave characters!

    I expect tonights episode to be EPIC! Cause it’s Ricardus-centric and he’s one epic mofo, a scared one now a days, but still epic…

    I hope to get some answers, too, but mostly I hope to get some Richard in chains… in my bed… covered in chocolate and whiped cream…

  • JR says:

    lulz, when I saw that picture, I totally went, “EEEEEEEEEEE! <3" out loud. xDD And I was hoping the exact same thing! I wanna know smokey's naaaame!! BEYOND excited!

  • JS says:

    Dear Ricardus

    I want to know it all. Everything.

    – Who (are you, really),
    – What (happened to get you to this island, and the ship to the middle),
    – Where (are you from, and where are your other shipmates),
    – When (did you get to the island, and when did Jacob “gift” you, and when are you going to confront Ben – you have some unresolved issues)
    – Why (are you the “advisor” and the only one allowed to talk to Jacob)
    – How (are you so fierce across time)!!!

  • maureen_in_mukilteo says:

    I am dying for this one and really wish I had some other Lost nut to watch it with. Hard to scream about Richard’s hotness when your hubby is next to you. I am spoiler free (the only way to watch this season) but my theory is that Richard is an Egyptian who spoke Latin. Remember his name is Richardus-not the name of someone who was on the Black Rock. As for Smoky’s chain comment, I think he was captured by the crew of the Black Rock and imprisoned briefly. But he is much older than the Black Rock. You know the writers just had to use those eyes of his and make him an eyeliner wearing Egyptian. How could they pass it up? lol Not that I have been very accurate in my predictions so far.

  • Ack says:

    @Maureen I am totally with you! That has also been my theory for a long time, and I am hoping we are right! :D

  • Kaikias says:

    OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG *bouncebouncebounce*

    That will be all.

  • me says:

    I’ve been waiting for Richard-Is-A-Pirate episode since…. since I remember the existence of Richard. But along the way it’s just been confirmed as being the future more and more, and now it is going to happen EeeeEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! And, bons!! ARe we actually going to get some answers as well?? I barely dare to even hope for that… and to be honest, even if we do, I’m too excited about Richard in his chains too care all the much what else is offer – I’ll take it all. It’s going to be a long day at work tomorrow ’till I can see this!! But yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy. Everyone over the seas, enjoy this evening!! :)

  • lafleur says:

    ive been waiting for this since richards existance as well XD

    but im seriously scared crapless because if he was a slave on ol’ rocky, we will probably have to see him NOT FASHIONABLY DRESSED! :O i dont know if my heart can handle a not-sexy-ricardus!

  • snoop says:

    Hehe, glad to see everybody is all giddy and excited at the prospect of an Alpert episode.

    On a sidenote, I just watched last night’s 24 and Starbuck pulled a benlinus (see: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham). That might be due to the 24 writers loving that scene. Anyway, the women on 24 are really bad ass, aren’t they?

  • Kaikias says:

    lafleur, if he was a slave, he probably won’t be wearing very much at all, so relax.

  • Sydney says:

    Why is my nail polish the exact same color as Michael Emerson’s eyes?

  • LostTeaParty says:

    @ Maureen – for once I’m happy my husband is out of town b/c I will be screaming for you! Ab Aeterno and five freakin years – this is it!! Even Nestorrrr is glad the backstory wait is over. Open the the fangirl floodgates, here we come!

  • Elynne says:

    I missed a big important meeting tonight ~~~ preferred the Ricardus backstory . . .

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