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Daily Dose of Lost – 7/13/09

July 13th, 2009 § 9

“Neville Longbottom, isn’t it? How’s mum and dad?”

“Better, now they’re about to be avenged!”

– Bellatrix Lestrange and Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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§ 9 Responses to “Daily Dose of Lost – 7/13/09”

  • Gem says:

    Man, I *so* cannot wait until the HP movies are all done coming out, so I don’t have to see all this HP-related junk on my flist anymore. Especially when it’s poorly disguised as being related to a fandom that I actually *do* care about.

  • Guillermina says:

    Lol awesome! Specially now that I’m picturing daddy!sawyer in Bella’s dress :DD

    And to the first comment: Grumpy McGrumpypants, too bad you don’t like HP, but the fandom ain’t going anywhere, so please, don’t like, don’t read.

  • Mar says:

    re: Gem/Grumpy McGrumpypants DITTO to Guillermina. Turn a blind eye if you’re so bothered by it.

    re: this daily dose FTW! This is awesome. I’m fulllllly loving these HP related Lost mashes in anticipation of the movie. You are made of so many kinds of win.

  • zombres says:


  • rachelack says:

    LOL yeah Gem, sorry you’re the only person alive who can’t appreciate the pure awesomeness of the Harry Potter world!

  • w says:

    LOL @ GEM for passive-aggressiveness.

    I’m diggin’ all these HP Daily Doses!

  • Linnea says:

    This is so awesome, Sawyer as Neville <3

  • Kristina says:

    Sawyer as Neville. Anthony Cooper as Bellatrix? Oh my day is made. Made, I tell you!

    (The humor makes up for the tiny little heartbreak for Sawyer’s face combined with this quote. *tear*)

  • Hey!T says:


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