Great. You’ve just spoiled the first five minutes of next season.
Who am I kidding? We’re going to get random Jackbacks and we’ll catch up with dead!Jacob and Fake!Locke and Fucked!Ben and Confused!Rick around episode 6. So you’ve spoiled the first five minutes of episode 6.
There’s trouble underfoot…HAHAHA, get it?
Poor Richie and Benry.
&hearts What are you going to do now, you two? :D
Ben is covered in blood?
Must be Wednesday.
Seriously, we MUST get to hear the first conversation these dudes have in the next season. Ricardus has some splaining to do.
Is Richard hiding behind Ben in the last panel? LULZ xD
This is amazing. I hope we get a conversation exactly like this next season. :)
Great. You’ve just spoiled the first five minutes of next season.
Who am I kidding? We’re going to get random Jackbacks and we’ll catch up with dead!Jacob and Fake!Locke and Fucked!Ben and Confused!Rick around episode 6. So you’ve spoiled the first five minutes of episode 6.
I’m okay with this, on reflection.
LOL. I think i just died laughing and sqeeeing when richard and ben huged. XDD
Haha, oh Benry. And Captain Eyelashes! <3
Oh, and speaking of Benry:
Have you seen this before? Freaking Hilarious.