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Lost Tour Photos Finally Up!

July 23rd, 2009 § 8

Follow the White Rabbit

Click the photo to get the to album! You DO NOT need a Facebook account to view these photos! I thought this would be the easiest way for me to post them and you guys to view them!

Enjoy! :D

(And while you’re there, Become a fan! You shan’t regret it.)

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§ 8 Responses to “Lost Tour Photos Finally Up!”

  • Matt says:

    I would have totally bet big money that Otherville was just a set created for the show. WHO KNEW?!

    Great set of photos, and thanks for sharing!

  • Pedro says:

    Thanks for the photos! Man, I’m jealous, especially New Otherton.

  • Amal says:

    thats pretty cool…looks like you had fun!
    On a random note did anyone see the new trailer for ELizabeth mitchell’s new show “V” looks pretty good…it makes me believe that she wont be back too much for lost whuch is really sad…K hope I’m wrong though :D

  • Joan Crawford says:

    ASKLjdhaklsjdhaskldfhsl! HOW LUCKY ARE YOU!?

    Oh, Man! The best! A summer camp! Hah!

  • MJ says:

    Thank you so much for showing pictures of the place where they film the “Oxford” scenes. I’m a student at the Oxford college Faraday is meant to be teaching at and we really wanted to know what building they used to film it (it doesn’t look very similar, but it’s still great to be repped on Lost!) :D xxx

  • ANM says:

    Hey Ack!
    OMFG I loooove those pics!I’m SOOOOOO jealous right now!

    Just wondering, did you plan the Lost tour yourself or is it “offered” there? I ask cause I might go to the Islands in September and I want to take a tour, hopefully as awesome as yours!

  • Seabiscuit says:

    Faaaaabulous vacation photos, Ack! You look like you had a great time! I’m jealous, you visited the Skate Waterfall and touched the same rocks that Josh Holloway touched! Eee!

    And Otherville is really a summer camp, I love it. XD I’d be nervous to go there, I’d probably expect to see Ethan or Mr. Friendly around every corner. (if I saw Ben I’d probably tackle him…)

  • w says:

    Ack + Sawyer = Butt Buddies 4 Life

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