The title of the first episode of LOST Season 6 has been confirmed!
I won’t post it here so people don’t whine about ~*spoilers*~, but…WOOO!!!!!!!! Only like…5 months to go! Haha!
August 12th, 2009 § 10
The title of the first episode of LOST Season 6 has been confirmed!
I won’t post it here so people don’t whine about ~*spoilers*~, but…WOOO!!!!!!!! Only like…5 months to go! Haha!
Well *that’s* an enigmatic title.
Sometimes I miss the simplicity of the ‘Friends’ episode titling convention.
Haha yeah, although Lost might be a bit less mysterious if they named their episodes “The One Where Desmond is Actually Time Traveling” LOL.
The next episode’s title better be “Kate and Sawyer get back together because Suliet was just an interim thing and not endgame you stupid fuckheads for God’s sake pay attention and why the hell would you ship something so boring and stupid that even the actors involved hated it”.
Or something like that.
I thoroughly enjoy the idea of that episode title, hahahahah
I want ‘The One Where Ben Pwns Everyone.’
I want “Jacob Lives! You Can Stop Worrying!”
…right. Kate and Sawyer are an “endgame” (what the fuck does that even MEAN?) despite the fact that Sawyer told Kate he was done with her. Ooooookaaaay.
LO L at episode title.
See what I did there?
And it must be cold and lonely where ‘…’ lives. Let’s send Kate there.
I want them to bring on zombie season. Return of Charlie and Faraday, please. Preferably eating Jack’s lack-of-brains.
I can’t believe we’ve already gotten confirmation, everywhere, of the title. Craziness. And so many possible multiple meanings. Awesome!