The final season of Lost will kick off with a 2-hour premiere on Tuesday, February 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t mind the show airing Tuesday night, there’s nothing else on.
The characters coming back as regulars are Jack, Sawyer, Ben, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Jin, Sun, Miles, Locke, Frank, Richard, Ilana, and Claire!!
Characters coming back as guests (so far) are Desmond, Charlie, Penny, Juliet, Boone, Charlotte, and Helen.
Nice, Groundhog Day. Maybe the two will converge and with some time-travel flashes, we’ll be trapped in an infinite-loop of LOST.
My heaven…
Nice – I hope Ned Ryerson is there!
Wait… Charlotte is coming back buy MY DANIEL ISN’T? What gives??
I was wondering the same thing, Zina!!
I’m hoping that they’ll announce Daniel as a guest star later in the season.
More Ilana than Desmond? Pssssh, what gives?
But whatev’, it’s LOST. And not at 10pm like I was afraid it would be! Hooray!
They said at ComicCon that Daniel would be back. I’m not too worried yet.
Also, yay, finally a day to count down to.
ZOMG!!!! Boone!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heart him!
Why is Desmond only ‘guest’?!?! NOT FAIR!!
But, but . . . Lost is on Wednesday! Apparently I don’t do well with change.
Is it bad that I’m totally blanking on who Ilana is? Like, I don’t remember anyone by that name at all.
SO happy that Charlie & Claire will be back in some capacity. And BOONE! And Captain Eyelashes! I can’t wait!
only 71 days left now?
And I’m really excited about Claire and Charlotte too.
whatever happened to benry knows best
Where’s Daniel? I mean, Charlie back is SQUEE, but where is DANIEL!!!! *sobs* But yay for the British Chars, Charlie and Charlotte. WHEE.
Claire! Yay! This just made my night!
@mellow I still have a ton of Benry Knows Best ready to be posted, I just haven’t had much time to post stuff here! I’ve still got them, though.
I must also protest to Desmond only being a guest star. Lame. Ass. Man. There’s nothing cooler (or hotter) in my opinion than a time-traveling Scotsman, and they should take advantage of that more often.
But hey, Ricardo’s made it up to regular status!
Yay Charlie!! And Desmond, brotha. :-)
Glee’s gonna be competing with LOST next year starting in April!! :( Thank the heavens for Hulu.